

Climb As Much As You Can

The best way to get good at climbing is to climb as much as you can. There is no replacement for getting used to the strength and ability needed to excel at climbing. Even though most people prefer to climb outside, climbing gyms are a great way to practice climbing. Climbing gyms also provide an easy way to meet other climbers that can model good technique and provide tips.

Good Technique is More Important Than Strength
A common misconception about climbing is that it is solely about strength. Any experienced climber will tell you that having good technique is more impressive than sheer strength. While strength and core strength are important parts of climbing, having good technique makes climbing easier and there is less risk of injuring yourself.

Take Breaks
Climbing uses muscles that aren’t used on a daily basis. Climbing too much too fast can cause soreness and injuries. This means breaks are necessary for recovery and need to be taken seriously. As you continue to climb, breaks are needed less frequently, but they are still needed.

Use Chalk and Athletic Tape
Any moisture on your hands when climbing can mean the difference between climbing and falling. This is why chalk is important to use while climbing. In addition, because chalk keeps your hands dry, it helps prevent blisters. Not only does chalk help prevent blisters, but so does athletic tape. Putting athletic tape over sensitive areas helps build calluses without creating blisters.

Learn The Safety Rules
Safety is the most important aspect of climbing. This is why learning the protocols early on is so crucial. Because one mistake can lead to serious injury, double checking harnesses and ropes are top concerns for all climbers. Not only is safety important, but so is etiquette. Like most sports, climbing has its own etiquette that needs to be learned and followed by climbers. This helps to ensure not only the safety of yourself, but everyone around you.